Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Demands of the Father.

Being the one that is around the kids during the week and their chaperone for the majority of the day, I am the bad guy. You are more than welcome to ask them who their favorite parent is and without the slightest hesitation you hear cries of Mommy in three part harmony. I attribute this to several different factors.

 I tend to be the primary rule enforcer and have been since the start of being the stay at home dad. I run this house as a benevolent dictator, to do so other wise would result in absolute chaos. I ensure rooms are clean, meals are eaten and cleaned up from, kids don't fight, break things, vandalize the home, Bathe kids, Dogs go unharmed, Children go unharmed, homework is done, and all the other things that must happen on a daily basis. This makes me a parent not a fun time friend.

My wife of course gets to spend less time with the kids and as such her time is a little more fun filled, outings, and shopping, going out to eat, crafts, and all the fun stuff. Over the past five years the children have come to associate fun and party time with the wife and rules and daily responsibility with me. Don't get me wrong, my wife takes her turns enforcing rules and a lot of the time it seems harder for her to get the kids to listen without really losing her temper and I've noticed that when it comes to grandparents the kids hardly listen at all, however I can just whistle and snap and the kids all come to attention and normally do what I ask so it has it's privileges. All in all I am ok with this, I love taking care of my children and it's going to break my heart when I enter the work force and don't get to see them as much.

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