Thursday, August 29, 2013

Once upon a time

When my wife and I first set out to have babies little did we know the bounty that would befall us. When we found out about the pregnancy we had, at that time, no idea that is was triplets. So fast forward a bit to the first sonogram. We were expecting to see the baby but when the tech said " All three heartbeats are strong."  All the air got sucked out of the room. I was instantly put into a money panic. We were going to be stretched to afford one much less three. I had to sit down as well, my wife was a bit taken aback as well. We went through the normal doctor check ups and everything was going well till about six months. That's when my wife started having contractions and required her to go on bedrest. If you can avoid bedrest I highly recommend doing so. My poor wife swollen with new life could only lounge on the bed only to move to use the bathroom and towards the end that was a trial just making it the 15 feet to the bathroom. During one of her normal checkups at 31 weeks the doctor decided that it was time to have the babies at five and a half weeks early. It was a wonderful birth With Bobby in the lead followed by Iris and then trailed by Cooper, with no complications, but because of the early birth the children needed to spend time in the NICU for observation and mild treatment. For the record the NICU nurses are spot on and a wonderful people at Dallas Medical City. The children spent four weeks in the NICU and during that time my wife spent a majority of her time at the NICU while I worked full time. The day we brought the children home we didn't understand that one of the most important things that the NICU did for us was allow us to sleep.

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