Wednesday, April 30, 2014

One thing I can say about triplets.

Before the triplets I was completely unmotivated to try and work or fit into society as I believed that society expected me to. I resented work and financial responsibilities that I felt was a tool used to maintain order among the populace, and I couldn't be bothered. Now with that in mind I have over the years developed this concept of work that breeds resentment and a soul withering response to the theory of work. Work any work was a anathema to what I understood as our purpose to enjoy life. I believe I have missed many an opportunity because of this belief.

Then the triplets came, I had no choice but to work, and work I did. I have never in my life worked so hard and still do to this day, but as the triplets became more self-sufficient I found my self with this developed work drive that needed an outlet. I needed something to do that would allow me to express myself and focus this new developed energy. If you had asked me five years ago if I would be writing and working in the haunted attraction industry, making masks, props, costuming, marketing, acting, and managing, I would have laughed it off because it sounds like a lot of work. And if you had told me that I would in addition to all that be a host on a radio show, I would have never believed you.

And the only reason I get to do this is because I have the support of my wonderful family and life just keeps getting better.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Ok this is the worst.

There is this commercial where two parents go to talk about cellphones and have a newborn in a baby bjorn, and the baby is asleep. So through the entire commercial the parents are whispering and making the sales associate whisper as well. I personally think that is a crock and a example of awful parenting. Why on earth would you take a sleeping baby into a business and then expect the world to cater to your shitty parenting? One parent could have stayed in the car with the baby while the other went to the store. One parent could have walked to a quite portion of the store instead of trying to have a conversation around a sleeping baby. Better yet one parent could have stayed home while the other ran errands. I say this because this is the world I lived in for years with triplets and let me tell you that the trips are the center of the universe and their comfort comes first. No one wants a caterwauling baby in their face, even more so if it's not theirs. I understand the necessity of still needing to run errands while you have a baby but as a stay at home dad it just strikes me as selfish parents who think nothing of expecting the world to walk on egg shells for their baby and I think that's just rude.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Another day

The triplets are a whirlwind of chaos. The mess they make in a benchmark of madness. Our house is in a perpetual state of disarray. We can clean the bathroom and with one bedtime routine the bathroom is trashed. Toothpaste all over the counter dirty washcloths pilled in the bathtub. Toothbrushes adhered to the counter in a miasma of spit and toothpaste. the toilet covered in urine and the floor awash in dirty towels. This is all competed in roughly a ten minute period. Their bedrooms can be undone by the simple search of a lost toy or the need of a wubbie. The play room is a complete disaster. Piles of cars and various sundry of boy and girl toys. We have quite the collection of dolls and dinosaurs in which to one must become a ballet dancer to traverse from one side of the room to the other. I don't know about you but there are times I need to use a yard rake to make a path from one part of the house to another.

I visit friends and their houses are immaculate and everything in place and I must say that it hurts to see that kind of effortless order maintained yet when you walk the halls of my home it looks like a Toys R Us exploded. We constantly sweep up and place toys in tubs, point in fact we have removed several tubs of toys as the kids have lost interest and yet there are always more to take the place of the fallen.

I am glad that my children are well toyed however the truth is while yes they play with all their toys the majority of their time is spent with the simple toys. chalk, bubbles, and ranged weapons. they have more fun exploring the back yard and collecting bugs than most anything else. The only down side is when they brings the bugs into the house.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Well it's almost Easter.

Nothing like giving your children a basket full of sugar first thing in the morning to celebrate.
We recently have had the kids getting into the habit of bathing themselves which is wonderful though we do have some issues getting it started.

We recently started trying to eat more healthy in this house and so far the kids don't really like the process. I can tell you that they miss fat though they may not be able to put it in such words. They are missing the carbs as well. Now they still eat awful lunches and the what not and they get their surgary snacks in the afternoon as well as candy it seems every major holiday however the two main meals of the day are all healthy, and let me tell you Kale is not a big hit.

I know my writing has tapered a lot and the root cause is the haunt industry. That and I am helping out with a radio show about haunts and we are in serious planning stages. All that and I'm making masks and other props as well as doing web content for several different pages and some admin work on a couple of web pages. Sorry if I am not producing copious amounts of kid details.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Disney on Ice.

I had never in my life before seen any sort of ice capade. I can tell you I was not the target audience.
The kids loved it as the Disney characters danced across the ice in their cumbersome costumes. Not to mention all the impulse items placed every 15 feet. When I tell you I was shocked by the amount of shills hawking plastic you need to believe me. I mean every 15 feet they had a booth selling the same products as the booth before and the booth after, in case you missed it.  It also seemed that every 5th spot was a kiosk for pose with a instaprint photo with the cardboard cut out of select characters.

The kids had a great time and they got their share of loot, from swords to light wands. special cups, coloring books and hats. The show was about everything I could have expected and as such not that bad. The bad thing was that if you wanted a beer from the concession stand it was $12 for a 6 oz cup now they do that because they know the parents need it and for that they are bastards. But I blame the stadium for the beer cost and not Disney. Disney I blame for being consummate product placement paragons and if that was just Disney on Ice, how difficult is it to make through Disney land or world?

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


I meet my wife in 1999 through some mutual friends. I was dating someone at the time as well as she. Things with our prospective others for one reason or another didn't work out. And we started dating casually in late 2000. In Feb 2001 we had planned a road trip to Mardi Gras with a couple of friends but it ended up being just the two of us. While on that trip we went from being casual to a serious relationship. We dated for two years long distance than we moved in together for two years and then got married in 2005. After being married for four years we got our triplets Robert, Iris, and Copernicus. And now nine years later from our marriage day "in which I still miss the wedding cakes" I couldn't have imagined the wonderful life that I have now. Thanks to the mother of my children and wife Maureen.