Thursday, July 24, 2014

The summer grounding of '14

So the kids normally behave very well to the point I think that we're blessed but this past week the children have developed hell spawn abilities and wield them with impunity, or so they thought.

I have the kids clean their play room every day and I have them start about an hour before Mom gets home. During normal times I may have to ask twice maybe three times before they would get the job done, that said, I never have to sit in the room to make them finish. Now don't get me wrong there have been some yelling matches over the play room before resulting in the removal of toys and privileges, just not to the extent of Tuesday.

Long story short, after two and half hours of back and forth and many forms of attempts to create motivation, the children have become grounded! They have lost all TV privileges and their favorite toys, no longer allowed to have their wubbies at bed time and on the day of the incident they were sent to bed without dinner.

Now kids being the selfish self absorbed little creatures that they are have no idea the difficulty this poses the SAHD. TV in it's deprecating way provides a service to parents the world over especially when the temps are as high in the afternoon as they get in Texas. So in order to teach the kids responsibility and correct behavior I have in turn punished my self.

Not enough summer camps!

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