Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Ok I get it, we're broke.

When I was a kid I had no idea the amount of money it takes to just have a kid in the house. Not to mention three. I mean food alone will hurt your bank account in ways you can't dream of unless you have the loving burden of progeny. When I moved out of my parents house they started living like they were rich and in my youth I couldn't understand that all that surplus money came simply from the fact that I had moved out. We now I get it, and it was never more apparent to me than when talking about going to the circus recently.

For the five of us to go to the circus in moderate priced seats. $300. that is bare bones assuming that we can just teleport there to cover the $10 parking fee. Lets not mention we would have to get treats and toys for the kids which can easily skyrocket it up to several hundred dollars and all this would most likely happen before we ever got seated. Ten minutes into the show a child would need to pee which would trigger the triplet psychic peeing chain and yadda yadda yadda.

I would rather have a nice day at the park with ice cream maybe catch a movie go to a nice dinner and spend a third of that total cost.

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