Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Joy of Children example 2035.

My kids are in gymnastics and they go every Tuesday at 4:30.  They get out of school everyday at 3:00 and the gymnastics place is a thirty minute drive from the house, so every Tuesday is a rush to get home do home work, get them changed and fed a snack before we go. Yesterday was no different from the normal hustle and bustle, except for one minor detail, which is what this blog is about.

For snack that day they chose to have Cheetos and jolly ranchers before we packed up and left. We all got into the car and I put Justice League on for them to watch as we make the trek across town to exercise. The drive was fine and dandy, the kids were quiet and engrossed in the adventures of Superman and crew doing battle with the evil aliens set on the destruction of earth.

We pull into the parking lot and my daughter comes up behind me crying and says "Daddy I'm sick."
  I turn in my seat to see that she was in fact sick and had thrown up a delightful color palette of red number 5 and Cheeto orange all down the front of her leotard. The boys, as they are, were cheering with the ewww's and gross while my daughter sobbed gently and held her hands up in a kind of "what are you going to do?" expression. Well gentle reader let me tell you there was not a lot of options available to me at that point seeing as I had no change of clothes and little to no cleaning supplies to tend such an emergency. I decided that it would be best if we just went home.

The drive home was a delight of smells and sounds emerging from the recesses of the minivan and the boys cheered on the projectile emissions of their sister, who to her credit did a great job of keeping the majority of the issue in her lap. We get home and I have the delightful job of extracting her from this miasma of bile and junk food only to behold the paint scheme she had added to the car seats and floor board. I get her cleaned up first. get the soiled clothing in the laundry and muck out the back of my minivan.

I would be remiss to not mention that I was reminded of the scene in Pulp Fiction where Jules and Vincent had to clean up the mess in the back of the car. Someone somewhere once said that children are a joy for ever. They must have be laughing at their friend's stories.

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