Wednesday, June 11, 2014

1st Week of Summer.

I took their school time for granted. I really needed those three hours to get stuff done and have time to think to myself. I love my children but they are five now. And where as they don't need the constant attention of babies they have their own set of challenges. For example, They all live with their best friends and don't really come to me unless they need arbitration of intrapersonal issues or to rat each other out. I fix my fair share of boo boos and feed them and do the normal maintenance of their lives which they totally take for granted.

It's the noise. The constant noise. It is never ending, one of them at all times is humming or whistling or snapping, or some other nonsensical noise. But the worst is they talk in Gary speak from SpongeBob Squarepants. That %$#*&!@ Snail that speaks in meows. I swear to god that when I snap it will be because of that sound. I ask my kids a question the answer is Meow. I can't stand it anymore it's driving me crazy. They thinks it's funny, I swear they are trying to break me. This is only two days into summer vacation.

Except for Iris she respects Dad and does not do the majority of button pushing that the boys do, however she likes to play dress up and if not watched she will go through her entire wardrobe in a day not in anyway playing way like take the clothes back off and put them back but in I am done with these way and crumple and throw in hamper kind of way.

The kids bathroom is flooded at least once a day normally when teeth brushing takes place. The bathroom is awash in toothpaste and spit. Towels on the floor, water everwhere then you go in there to get on to the kids and the boys look you in the eye say "Meow, meow, meow!" and laugh as the vein in your forehead throbs.

I am beginning to understand why parents tend to over schedule children's activities. Because it is easier to drive and drag children all over town then to be trapped alone in a house with them.

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