Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The history to be.

When I became a SAHD I joined facebook as a way to expunge all the new parent baby pictures and to have a place to document their infant years. During that time I have picked up many different projects to aid in that endeavor. I have learned all the baby stuff as well as cooking and photography to help. My father in law pointed out that this is going to be wonderful for the kids since they could at any point go back and look at their development through the internet. It was not my intention in the beginning to make a life long documentation of the children but here we are five years later and I am now writing a blog about them. I do this so that when I am with friends and the what not that they have a place if they wanted to see all the kids pics. It's the modern day version of carrying pictures in your wallet and now the blog is all the stories that I would otherwise bore you with during our chance meetings. I don't write for the kids and I don't write for anyone really, to me it is a cathartic purge. Sometimes the line between parent, and person tend to blur. I meet people all the time who will never know that I am a father of triplets and those that do can follow the pages I have created to mark their passage. And everyone else finds out when they meet us in public. On the other hand it's funny how invisible I become with out the kids. People I see everyday running my errands don't even recognize me without the kids and in a small way that's a blessing.

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