Monday, December 16, 2013

The Elf on the Shelf, pratice for a surveillance state?

My wife and I have talked about getting into the whole Elf on the Shelf trend and having it watch the children. Hide it around the house and help keep track of the children's seasonal comings and goings. Is it just me but does this not seem a little weird. I mean here we are teaching our children to always be aware that they are being watched at all times doing all things. It seems to me that this practice is designed to make our children comfortable living in a surveillance state. What is the next step? The Santa Cam? The Santa GPS ankle monitor? Your own private NSA agent that reports back to Santa?

I know that this will not be popular opinion amongst the parent set, but I feel it's odd that we would want to teach our kids that they are always under surveillance. Is this even our idea as parents? I know that the tradition of Santa is that he knows what you've been doing and all that. Santa is a magical being and his motives can not be questioned as he is the giver of gifts. We should also be glad that Santa is a job provider, I just don't believe that he should employ his own surveillance teams of sycophantic tattle tale elves.

In my house Santa knows because Mommy and Daddy knows and we have a direct line to Santa. We take the kids to see him. We know where to send the wish list. And we allow him in the house to deliver the presents and that being the case, I accept responsibility for Santa and don't need a go between.

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