Thursday, March 6, 2014


It's a struggle to keep all things fair between the children. We try to make sure that as one gets they all get. They each get a toy, they each get a treat, they each get to pick a movie in rotation. However when one gets sick all this careful planning gets thrown out the window. And clothing is difficult as well. You see Cooper is almost half a foot taller than the his older siblings and the boy has big feet. So often times Bobby gets his younger brothers hand me downs. Now that it not something I would have ever thought about before multiples. 

Currently Cooper is ill and the other two are going to school while Coop stays home with me. I still have to run errands so off we go. I bought him a Icee from Target while we shopped and after wards took him out to lunch, bought him a dollar toy and got a movie for Friday movie night. I had to get new toothbrushes and he helped pick those out for his brother and sister. It's not that I didn't enjoy spending the one on one time but sure as the others got home Cooper starts going on and on about all the fun he had outside of school which upset his siblings.

The others understand when someone is sick but they don't understand the party atmosphere that Coop detailed for them. I fear that as this sinks in they are going to start doing the whole I'm too sick to go to school routine and trying to Ferris Bueller their way out.

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