Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Another day

The triplets are a whirlwind of chaos. The mess they make in a benchmark of madness. Our house is in a perpetual state of disarray. We can clean the bathroom and with one bedtime routine the bathroom is trashed. Toothpaste all over the counter dirty washcloths pilled in the bathtub. Toothbrushes adhered to the counter in a miasma of spit and toothpaste. the toilet covered in urine and the floor awash in dirty towels. This is all competed in roughly a ten minute period. Their bedrooms can be undone by the simple search of a lost toy or the need of a wubbie. The play room is a complete disaster. Piles of cars and various sundry of boy and girl toys. We have quite the collection of dolls and dinosaurs in which to one must become a ballet dancer to traverse from one side of the room to the other. I don't know about you but there are times I need to use a yard rake to make a path from one part of the house to another.

I visit friends and their houses are immaculate and everything in place and I must say that it hurts to see that kind of effortless order maintained yet when you walk the halls of my home it looks like a Toys R Us exploded. We constantly sweep up and place toys in tubs, point in fact we have removed several tubs of toys as the kids have lost interest and yet there are always more to take the place of the fallen.

I am glad that my children are well toyed however the truth is while yes they play with all their toys the majority of their time is spent with the simple toys. chalk, bubbles, and ranged weapons. they have more fun exploring the back yard and collecting bugs than most anything else. The only down side is when they brings the bugs into the house.

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