Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Ok this is the worst.

There is this commercial where two parents go to talk about cellphones and have a newborn in a baby bjorn, and the baby is asleep. So through the entire commercial the parents are whispering and making the sales associate whisper as well. I personally think that is a crock and a example of awful parenting. Why on earth would you take a sleeping baby into a business and then expect the world to cater to your shitty parenting? One parent could have stayed in the car with the baby while the other went to the store. One parent could have walked to a quite portion of the store instead of trying to have a conversation around a sleeping baby. Better yet one parent could have stayed home while the other ran errands. I say this because this is the world I lived in for years with triplets and let me tell you that the trips are the center of the universe and their comfort comes first. No one wants a caterwauling baby in their face, even more so if it's not theirs. I understand the necessity of still needing to run errands while you have a baby but as a stay at home dad it just strikes me as selfish parents who think nothing of expecting the world to walk on egg shells for their baby and I think that's just rude.

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