Thursday, November 14, 2013

Children strong like bull.

The kids have really come into their own now in the simple fact that they realize that they are not strong enough to move me around or take things away from me in play time. But together they can pin my arms or work to drag me. It started simply enough during rough housing with the boys. I would grab one and not let go unless they said please. It's turned into a game with us. Well a few weeks ago they started getting the idea that rather than say please they would call for help. Now when one is trapped and they yell the other two come running.

Last night is the perfect example of how this has progressed to create fear within me. Bobby thinks it's real funny to grab your noise and pinch it. Now it's mildly annoying but you can tolerate it for short periods of time. Last night though all three got into the act and I was fending off six little grabbing hands for my face. This amused the children to no end. But in order for them to be able to grab my nose they figured out that if they each grab an arm that leaves the third to grab my nose. It was difficult to resist them. Bobby is real good at wrapping himself around my arm and locking on. Where as Cooper will do everything he can to sit on my arm. And Iris tries to climb me like a spider monkey all the time.

It really comes down to this. I am alone in this house with three quickly growing children and so help me they are starting to figure out that not only do they outnumber me, but together they can overpower me.

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