Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Kids are bad for your nerves.

It is amazing how often my wife or I will walk into a room and see something that just makes the heart stop. Like Bobby standing on top of his bunk bed about to do a flying clothesline on Cooper. Funny that they don't watch wrestling. Or when Cooper is playing leap frog with the kitchen furniture and falls and splits his lip.

But so far my daughter Iris has the best scare technique of the three. You see the boys are fear by association of the dangerous activities that they get into Iris is the stealthy one, the quiet one, the one you never see coming. As to hear my wife tell it.

When I was working nights my wife thought it wise to leave the bedroom door open so as to hear the kids in case of trouble. Well one night while dead asleep she feels something brushing her leg. assuming its the dog she doesn't really come full wakefulness. The brushing continued up her leg until she could make out the impression of a little hand. She described it as like a little ghost hand since my daughter has a light touch. At this point Maureen still didn't know is was Iris. Maureen's eyes open and she was on her side facing the inside of the bed and saw the dog that she had previously thought was the one touching her. Needless to say she flipped over pretty quick to see what was touching her in the dead of night. And there looming not a foot away was the earnest stare of Iris saying "Mommy is it morning?"

Maureen almost had a heart attack and now she keeps the bedroom door closed and have taught the kids to knock before the enter.

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