Tuesday, October 1, 2013

At what age do kids get the implied rules?

When the trips were younger, 2ish to 3ish, it was easier to manage the kiddos. Their reach wasn't as good and they would have never thought to use simple tools like a stool to get on top of stuff. Now, its a constant hell. They now, have no compunction about climbing anything to reach their goal, not only that they work in tandem to accomplish tasks.
 For example; my wife made a wonderful spice cake this weekend and frosted it with a cream cheese frosting. When we gave the cake to the kids this weekend they did not like the frosting. They would only eat around it. Fine, this is the information that we as parents have been given and as such we move forward. Well last night after dinner we thought we would dole out more cake for the kids. And again they confessed to disliking the cream cheese frosting. So we wrap up dinner.
 During the chaos of the bedtime routine we leave the cake on the stove. And after we finally get the kids in bed we go off and do our winding down routines before we join in the living room. We sometime before bed for the kids and after dinner they had moved a stool up to the stove and left fingerprints and groves all through the frosting in the cake. Now the last thing you want it triplets wired on cream cheese frosting ten minutes before bed. And even now, not a single one of the trips will admit to doing it. Odd isn't that for three to profess that they didn't like the frosting somehow someone decided to run their fingers through it like a maidens hair.

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