Monday, September 30, 2013

Talking out of the mouth of maddness.

The talking, it never stops. It goes on forever. In the car, bath, sleep, and just all the time. I like talking to my children but sometimes I wish it would stop for a little bit. My daughter always says" b'sides," then followed by some statement like she said a reason for any of the following statements.
My Son Bobby likes to speak in motor sounds and demands a count down before he leaves a room, and then winds up in place like a cartoon before shooting off into the house going "vroom!," and " squealing break noises," when he corners. Cooper like to chime in all the time with "me too," to anything.
 The point I guess is that my children are a walking stream of consciousness at home. It's constant. A good majority of the time you get all three talking at the same time and unless you respond they just continue to get louder and louder talking over each other till you loose all sense of reason and turn like a wild person and tell them you can't speak their language and need them to slow down and go one at a time.
 The worst is when they fight. Or they hurt one another. First you hear the scream. Then you hear "I's sorry, I said I'm sorry, I'm sorry...." And to fully understand this you have to see this in your mind. First the scream then the screaming and crying starts to advance through the house looking for a parent while being trailed by the "I'm sorrys." Then you have two kids one trapped in hitching sobs and saying what the other kids did while the other kid keeps saying "I'm sorry." Then somewhere is the third watching from the corner like a rubbernecker.
  It's in those moments that you have to breathe and count to ten in order to solve the issue. I constantly tell my children that I don't speak whine or crying and that they need to calm down so they can tell me what's going on. Which normally results in me playing mediator. I try to be Judge Judy and it normally turns into Jerry Springer fights. The joys of parent hood.

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