Monday, January 27, 2014


We sometimes have baby sitters in the form of my In-laws once in a while and I assure you that we take advantage of the services when ever presented. It's nice to be able to sleep in and have a nice hot breakfast with out sharing and making sure that the kids are eating. My wife and I will normally go out to eat for breakfast and she likes to do some retail therapy.

The problem is not talking about the kids when we don't have the kids. Or shopping for the kids or anything really without it somehow still revolving around the children. It seems to be the source for a lot of parenting jokes. Before you have children you just don't get those jokes like you do when you become and then understand the cliché.

The Triplets are about to turn Five and the majority of my day after shopping and laundry and cleaning from the weekend if to schedule the birthday party for the kids. Last year it was at Chuckie Cheese which the kids loved Mom and Dad not so much, because it is a madhouse in those places. This year we plan on a place called JumpAround basically a wearhouse filled with inflatables for the kids. Lets see how that works out.

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