Friday, January 24, 2014

Gifted and talented

My children are hopping through the hoops of gifted and talented testing for their school district. I put them in the first round of testing not knowing that there is a series of tests. I was called and told "congrats, your three have made it to the next round of testing."

I was not prepared for all this since I was not able to get confirmation of the type of testing so that I could help prepare the kids. This irks me to no end. It's not that I want to do practice tests or anything I would like to create natural scenarios that would help the kids become more familiar with what is going to be expected of them.

After much digging and searching I was lost until an old friend contacted me who just also happens to have a educational focus in gifted and talented education. And she was able to help me know what questions I should b asking in order to get the information that I required. I learned the testing is most likely creative behavior inventory testing. Which tests among other things non-lateral problem solving, which once I learned that, I understood why when I asked if there was anything I could do to help prepare the kids the answer was always no.

I guess my problem is that I dislike being dismissed as a member of the rank and file when I have legitimate questions and keep getting brick walled. Thankfully I have a wonderful network of friends with many interests and careers.

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