Wednesday, January 8, 2014


The kids love to watch me cook. If they hear me in the kitchen they come running and watch what I'm doing. I let them stir and beat eggs and help out where they can. It's nice at this age since they constantly want to show how capable they are and are eager to do things around the house. Now this can sometimes be a problem since they tend to get underfoot and around hot items like stove tops or pans out of the oven. I don't wish to dissuade them because I would like to ingrain these habits early on. As it stands I have three little helpers that want to clean up and set the table and do all manner of house related skills, and I need to cherish this time. The only thing that the kids don't want to do is clean their room our play room. I mean we do it everyday before Mom gets home and yet they still resist my efforts to make them more autonomous with this action. Why is it children will work and show what good little helpers they are but yet so loath to clean their own areas. It is the mystery of the ages.

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