Thursday, January 23, 2014

Triplets and the coffee

So everyday I give the kids a smoothie with their breakfast and normally this is not a problem until yesterday. I had introduced a new flavor which was chocolate. I got the bottle out of the fridge and poured into their glasses and served breakfast as normal. When the kids were finishing their food Cooper said that his drink tasted like coffee. I thought how does he know what coffee tastes like but beside that point I thought he was messing with me. Then I dug the bottle out of the trash and lo and behold it was a mocha cappuccino smoothie.

This is when panic set in as I looked at the drinks of the children and saw that Iris and Cooper had drank maybe half of theirs, but Bobby was sipping the last dregs out of his cup with a straw with a fevered look in his eyes. My wife saw this and my look of fear as she headed out the door for work laughing with tears in her eyes telling me to have a "good day."

I won't bore you with the spastic antics of Bobby except to say that his volume went to 11 that day and was a proverbial flash around the house leaving a wake of destruction to mark his passage. I will instead take this moment to point out that my children don't get caffeine EVER and when they get any sugar it's in small amounts that come in fruits or the very limited amounts of candy they get on the holidays.

Now getting through the morning was difficult enough because the other two kids had gotten some caffeine as well but not to the extent of Bobby and I had figured that most of problem will burn it's self out by the time I took them to school. No such luck and I felt bad for dropping the kids off, and fully expected to have to have a talk with the teacher about what is and is not ok about dropping off three caffeinated for school.

When I picked up the kids three hours later they came busting out of the school like devils on fire. They encircled me and all started talking at 90 miles per minute. For the briefest moment I was worried that the caffeine had laid dormant until I came to pick them up. What I was able to figure out betwixt the chatterbox children was that somebody in the class had a birthday party and everyone got big frosted cupcakes. And that led into the afternoon of daddy locking himself in the bathroom and trying to weather the storm till mommy got home. Moral of the story caffeine plus sugar is a lethal combination for everyone but the child that consumed it.

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