Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The I don't knows.

I have a passionate hatred for the phrase "I don't know."
I have heard it so much from the trips it makes me livid to hear it anywhere from anyone. I swear on all that is precious that if an adult said that to me in reference to any action that they  did that affected me and I asked them why and they responded with "I don't know" I may punch them out.

It is the most difficult of things having children and learning to communicate with them. When they are babies you think that as soon as they can talk things will get easier. Well you're wrong. The kids do have the ability to tell you what is bothering them, and they will tell you everywhere all the time. While you're taking a shower, while you're on the phone, while you're sick, while you're doing anything that requires your focus they will be there to tell you "EVERTHING."

So you would think that with this new found gift of gab that the children would be excited to detail every little thing and in this case you would be right until it comes to culpability. Then the horrid I don't knows start in earnest. Who flushed their car down the toilet? I don't know. Who spilled orange juice from the fridge to the kitchen table? I don't know. Who drew on the wall with markers? I don't know. Etc  etc etc.

If you're expecting and soon to have children or have young children that lack the ability to speak you will hear "cherish this time they grow so fast." Well I'm going to tell you honestly that between the time of when they start sleeping through the night to when they start walking in the sweet spot of parenting. They are so cute and stationary. By that time you have pretty much figured out the difference in cries. The food choices are still simple and potty is pretty much routine at this point. So enjoy that time because before it you will not get any sleep and after it is when they start making the real demands.

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