Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Discipline is a two way street.

Before my kids were born I was one of those assholes who had a million theories and would be all judgmental to those poor parents who in public had little or know control over their kids. I thought I'm not going to be that guy almost every time I would see a kid out of control and a parent with the look of murder in their eyes and think there has got to be a better way. Before the kids were born I believed that corporal punishment was wrong and that only a monster would hurt their children. I thought screaming and yelling was horrible. And mostly I thought that I would be able to communicate with my children and have discourse and understanding with each other.
 Well I was wrong on several points. I now understand that parents all want the same things that I did and thought in some manner the same naïve way as I before children. All you people whom without children sit on your high horse and judge the parent in public with the caterwauling child, you can just stuff it. You judge off a five minute experience and you have no idea that the child, that perfect angel, has not only crapped the bed that morning and smeared it all over the walls of his bedroom, threw breakfast in his mother's face. Peed on the dog. Pulled a lamp off a table and broke it. Crapped in the car on the way to the store and had to be changed in a parking lot. Threw up over your new shirt that you wore because you were going to have lunch with your spouse that day. And now once you have gotten them in the store and trying to pick up a few things so you can go home and cook dinner, this child has seen the colorful box of tide pods and can't understand why a)they can't have it b) why it isn't a food or toy, and c) why are you such a jerk. All this normally all happens before 10am. It's a miracle more parents just don't snap from the pressure. Every thing I just described can be a normal Tuesday, now make it triplets and everyday and even then you won't get it.
  So I had all these aspirations and reality crashed in. I yell now to maintain control. I have spanked because I would rather hurt them a little then have them learn by being hit by a car because they refused to listen other wise. I have threatened and bullied and pushed and been the villain more times than I can count at this point. On the other hand I constantly receive compliments on how well my children behave and that they follow the rules and say yes ma'am and no sir, please and thank you. They clean up after themselves and they offer to help out with chores around the house. And the reason they do this is not because I am a dictator, but because I this is the behavior I expect and I give them the same respect. I say please and thank you and yes sir and no ma'am. I believe the best leaders lead by example and dictators get over thrown.

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