Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The day a pack n' play almost killed me.

I don't know how much experience you have with putting together baby stuff but when your a new father who's only sleeping in two hour segments at a time, the smallest of details can and will be your undoing. So we're in about the second week of having the children home so suffice it to say my wife and I are zombies in all manner except for the brain eating part. And at the baby shower we got some pack n plays. We thought these might be handy to have around the house for a safe place to put a kid while dealing with another. So during one of the times that all the kids were all asleep I decided to unpack one of the pack n plays and put it together, you know for science. I was so  inured to lack of sleep that I was not thinking clearly. When I pulled it out of the box it seemed easy enough you click the center bars and plug in to corners and put the folded floor board in the bottom and presto fully realized pack n play. The thing is I could not slide the support bars into the corners. It was so close to just being able to slide into the locking position that I could not believe how difficult it was to do this. I was pulling and pushing I at one point was using both feet  to push while I was pushing on the other end like a cartoon character trying to keep a lion from biting him. That didn't work. I must have struggled with that thing for a good 10 minutes. And when I say struggle I mean I was sweaty and breathing heavily, all red in the face and pissed. I sat there thinking what the hell, this dam thing is supposed to be easy to do, I mean it's a fricking pack n play you're supposed to be able to set this thing up in seconds. My wife had been in the kitchen and was listening to my epic battle, at this point she walks into the room and asks me if I read the instructions, to which I replied that I had, not in a pleasant manner mind you. She walked over and picks up the instructions and noticed one little detail that I had missed. The cross bars of the pack n play have a button hinge that allows you to put the cross bars in the corner pieces, then you straighten the bars till they click. You see, I had straightened the bars before putting them in the corners. My Advice is when you're a brand new father in the depths of no sleep land, read the instructions twice.

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