Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The things people say to the SAHD.

I have never been as unprepared as I was when the comments started from complete and total strangers in public about the triplets. You would not believe the sexism I receive from women and men when I'm out and about. You see I do the majority of the shopping and cooking that is required to maintain the household. I really try to be the perfect fifty's house wife. I fail a lot in that regard, I have accepted that I am not June Cleaver. But back to the point. Here is a small sample of the things that are said to me or asked,
" Are they natural ?"
"Are you sure they're triplets?"
"Boy, I bet you got you hands full."
"Those are triplets, thank god I don't have triplets."
"I don't know how you do it."
 When out in public once A women asked "Oh so mom has the day off huh?" to which I replied "No, I'm a stay at home dad." This women said, "well now you know how it feels!" What ever that's supposed to mean?
"Oh are they twins?" I say " No, they're triplets." and they say something like "All three?"
 I have had people flat out refuse to believe me that the kids were triplets. Women ask me all the time when I'm out with the kids "where mom is?" and then look chagrined when I point out that I'm a stay at home dad. So I would like to use this platform to address some of this annoyance.
"No, we cloned the kids in a secret lab."
" They were twins but the hospitable had a buy two get one free and we thought it was easier to just say they are triplets"
" well the kids are currently walking now so I don't have to carry them as much."
"If I didn't take care of the kids what kind of person would I be?"
Also the touching, sweet Jesus, the touching. It was much worse when the kids were babies since it does not really happen now that they are older but back when they were babies it was awful! We could not go out in public without some slew of retiree armchair grandmas drawn to the babies like vampires trying to drain youth. Don't get me wrong I think my kids are cute and I love them, that said I don't want to hear about some strangers grandbabies or lack there of when I'm out trying to have a nice day with my family. Simply, I do not care. If you feel you must address me and my children I would prefer that you kept your comments positive because you know my kids are not deaf and I promise you that they get enough negativity from my inherent cynicism, such that I am not really looking for any help in that regard. On the other hand I do receive tons of compliments on how wonderful my children behave, how they wait their turn, how they are quiet and polite. How they have good manners and say please and thank you, and when I receive these compliments it's normally followed by I should tell the mother what a great job she's doing. At the end of the day being a SAHD is the best job I have ever had and I am so thankful to my wife and all the wonderful support. And I am learning to ignore the comments from strangers, I just hope that my children can do the same.

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